posting again!!!

April 7, 2010
wow its been like a year since i have posted... not that anyone reads this or any thing but check back because i'll be posting a lot more

anime obsession

August 9, 2009

from the title you could probably tell im obsessed with anime and manga so once in a while im gonna be posting tiles of anime i like right now i LOVE tokyo mew mew like im pretty sure i sing the theme song in my sleep the first time i saw it it looked like a kids show BUT watch a couple episodes and you'll see y its not

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real keyboard cat link

August 7, 2009
ok heres the real link 4 keyboard cat sorry
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keyboard cat 4ever

August 7, 2009
OMG you havent seen keyboard cat!!! O bend and SNAP! ok heres the link 4 the original video -

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hi ya

August 7, 2009
hi ya just watching twilight and putting upa new post, wow lately i've been obsessed with twilight.
twilight twilight twilight twilight twilight ok i think im good 4 a while

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a funny video

August 6, 2009    

ha ha lol watch this
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no kangaroos in austria

August 6, 2009

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Team Edward or Team Jacob

August 6, 2009
this morning i was watching sneak peeks of new moon and im wondering what team my readers are on team edward or team jacob persoally im on team jacob mainly because i love werewolves and i think Taylor Launter is really hot but, whats your opinion?
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August 6, 2009

What up peeps! This is my first website so sorry if there are any mistakes.I've always wanted to start a website but i'm real lazy and i'd tell myself that i'd make a website today and then i'd tell myself i'd i'd do it tommorow and then you get the point so here it is! Look around my site and if you love it ,like it , or totally hate it tell everyone you know about it.

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